Dyserth Circular WalkStart Point: public car park adjacent to Dyserth Waterfall. Toilets available in car park (seasonal opening).Grid Ref: SJ 056 793, OS Explorer Map 264, Vale of Clwyd.Distance: about 7 miles.Time required: about 4.5 hoursTerrain: some steep hills on certain sections so a medium level of fitness is required.1.Leavecarparkandturnleft,passwaterfallentranceandturnleftimmediatelyafterWaterfallShop.Climbtheoldmillsteps,turningleftattopatapathjunction.Continuethenclimb more steps, emerging onto end of road on Bryn-y-Felin. Turn left after house and descend steps to cross causeway over River Ffyddion, continue up to pass wooden steps on left…Alternatively,turnleftbeforetheshopandafterpayingasmalltollheadtowardswaterfallthroughmetalgates,crossriverinfrontofthefallsandclimbthestonestepsbetweenthehuge stonewalls.Followpathupthehill,passingviewpointwithbenchseatsoverlookingvillage.Continueonpathoverhill,descendingsomewoodensteps…ontoapathandturnleft walking through trees towards a stile.2. Cross stile & turn right, climbing a steep bank into an open field where there is a way-marker post.Head across the field towards the corner of a wood where there is a stile to a fenced board-walk along the edge of woodland, towards Pandy Lane.3.CrossPandyLaneandclimbstepsimmediatelyopposite,throughakissinggatetoenteranopenmeadow,MaesHiraddug-aSiteofSpecialScientificInterest(SSSI)ownedby The North Wales Wildlife Trust. Cross the field diagonally to the left towards a gate.Cross the old railway bridge and turn sharp right, ignoring kissing gate, and take steps down to join the Dyserth to Prestatyn Walkway turning right towards Prestatyn.OnasweepingbendwithmagnificentviewstowardstheOrmesandtheCarneddauMountainslookoutforthelow-levelcavesinthelimestonerockontheright(fittedwithgrillesto prevent unauthorised entry). Follow walkway up to a wooden gate and the old stone-built railway goods shed on the left.4.Turnrightonpathoppositethestonebuildingandafterafewyardsgothroughakissinggate,followingsteeppathandstepsupGraigFawrwhichisopenaccesslandownedbythe National Trust.Ignorekissinggateonlefthalfwayupthispath.Atthetopofsteps,thefirstofseveralwaymarkerpostswillbecomevisibleshowingthedirectionoftherouteleadingtotheroadat Bryniau. At a split in the path bear right following the sign for Graig Fawr to reach Bryniau.Alternatively, you could deviate from the normal route and climb to the white trig point on top of Craig Fawr (153m/502ft) forspectacular views of Snowdonia, Anglesey and the coast.5.LeaveNational TrustlandthroughkissinggateandturnleftonroadatMountHouse.Followtheroadandlookforsomestonestepsandastileontheright-6-whichisontheOffa’s Dyke Path. Continue on Offa’s Dyke Path crossing stiles in four fields before dropping down a steep bank onto road.7.Turnleftandfollowroad,lookingoutforcavesonright. Afterashortdistancetakefirststileonrightandcrossthroughtwofieldstowards A5151 Trelawnydroadwith TyNewyddfarm on right (this section can be very muddy).8. Turn right on road and after about 50 yards take stile on other side of road. Continue to next stile and turn right onto a narrow road heading down towards the river.9. Don’t follow Offa’s Dyke path when reaching the hairpin bend but continue on the road, passing ruined Grove Mill on the left.Continue along the road for about half a mile ignoring all stiles until you reach the T-junction with Hiraddug Road; turn right.10.Afterashortdistancetakepathonleftatsideofwhitebungalowandfollowfencedpathtotheseconddrivewayandturnright.Justbeforegatetoprivatehousecrossstileonright and follow path through gorse bushes to ladder stile and an open field. Cross three fields with ladder stiles until you reach metal gate on farm track.11. Turn right and follow track until you reach stile on right side before reaching a farm. Cross three fields with stiles and descend steps onto the lane. 12. Opposite is a stile leading into Church Wood, take care downhill on rough ground from this stile (especially when wet) then cross two more stiles before entering a field.You are now approaching the village of Cwm and the stile is located in the left hand corner of the field near church.13.TurnrightonroadpassingtheBlueLionpubonleft. Afterashortdistancetakestileontherighttowardstwomorestilesleadingtoanopenfield.Walkupmiddleofsteepbanked field looking for gate and stile at top of hill. Take time out to admire the wonderful views across the Vale of Clwyd towards Snowdonia.Cross another field and climb over stile onto lane.14.OppositeisametalkissinggatewithapathleadingalongthelowerwesternslopesofMoelHiraddug.Followpaththroughwoodlanduntilyoureachendofwoodwithpanoramic display panel and bench on right.15.LeavethewoodonatrackwhichjoinsLowerFoelRoadandcontinuestraighton.BranchrightuphillontoUpperFoelRoadandpassthelimekilnjustbeforetheroadrejoinsLower Foel Road. Continue straight on to the A5151 Trelawnyd Road. 16. Turn left at main road and walk through village. Pass Dyserth Garage and road to Bryn-y-Felin on right. After the old school with metal railings look out for footpath sign, on right, before traffic lights - 17.Follow this path until you see some stone steps on the left which will lead you down to the main road near Waterfall Shop. Turn right on the road, and back to car park.Ifyoucameupthesestepsatthestartyoucouldcarryonpastthem,thenclimbsomesteps,emergingontoendofroadonBryn-y-Felin.Turnleftafterhouseanddescend stepstocrossbridgeoverRiverFfyddion,continueuptowoodenstepsonleft.Climbthesestepsandarriveatviewpointwithbenchseatsoverlookingthevillage.Followfencedpath down through huge stone walls and cross river in front of the waterfall, exit falls through metal gate and turn right for car park. Note this gate may be locked in the evenings.Leaflet designed & produced by Peter J Robinson,Dyserth Environmental GroupFor more information about Dyserth and for hundreds of old photographs visit www.dyserth.comDyserth Circular Walk was developed as part of a series of walks linking the village with the Clwydian Range AONB. Using a grant provided by the Environment Sustainable Fund and Objective 1 DUNE, Dyserth Environmental Group worked closely with Denbighshire Countryside Services to provide the necessary furniture and way-marking for these attractive and contrasting walks. Printing funded by Dyserth Community Council. v2 August 2014
A different map of the same walk - from the Dyserth Brochure
For PDF downloadsee foot of page
For the walk in PDF format click below.It is designed to be printed double sided on A4 and folded into three.(Opens in a new window)
Dyserth Circular Walk
Dyserth Circular WalkStart Point: public car park adjacent to Dyserth Waterfall. Toilets available in car park (seasonal opening).Grid Ref: SJ 056 793, OS Explorer Map 264, Vale of Clwyd.Distance: about 7 miles.Time required: about 4.5 hoursTerrain: some steep hills on certain sections so a medium level of fitness is required.1.Leavecarparkandturnleft,passwaterfallentranceandturnleft immediatelyafterWaterfallShop.Climbtheoldmillsteps,turningleft attopatapathjunction.Continuethenclimbmoresteps,emerging ontoendofroadonBryn-y-Felin.Turnleftafterhouseanddescend stepstocrosscausewayoverRiverFfyddion,continueuptopass wooden steps on left…Alternatively,turnleftbeforetheshopandafterpayingasmalltoll headtowardswaterfallthroughmetalgates,crossriverinfrontofthe fallsandclimbthestonestepsbetweenthehugestonewalls.Follow pathupthehill,passingviewpointwithbenchseatsoverlooking village.Continueonpathoverhill,descendingsomewooden steps…ontoapathandturnleftwalkingthroughtreestowardsa stile.2.Crossstile&turnright,climbingasteepbankintoanopenfield where there is a way-marker post.Headacrossthefieldtowardsthecornerofawoodwherethereisa stiletoafencedboard-walkalongtheedgeofwoodland,towards Pandy Lane.3.CrossPandyLaneandclimbstepsimmediatelyopposite,through akissinggatetoenteranopenmeadow,MaesHiraddug-aSiteof SpecialScientificInterest(SSSI)ownedbyTheNorthWalesWildlife Trust. Cross the field diagonally to the left towards a gate.Crosstheoldrailwaybridgeandturnsharpright,ignoringkissing gate,andtakestepsdowntojointheDyserthtoPrestatynWalkway turning right towards Prestatyn.OnasweepingbendwithmagnificentviewstowardstheOrmesand theCarneddauMountainslookoutforthelow-levelcavesinthe limestonerockontheright(fittedwithgrillestopreventunauthorised entry).Followwalkwayuptoawoodengateandtheoldstone-built railway goods shed on the left.4.Turnrightonpathoppositethestonebuildingandafterafewyards gothroughakissinggate,followingsteeppathandstepsupGraig Fawr which is open access land owned by the National Trust.Ignorekissinggateonlefthalfwayupthispath.Atthetopofsteps, thefirstofseveralwaymarkerpostswillbecomevisibleshowingthe directionoftherouteleadingtotheroadatBryniau.Atasplitinthe path bear right following the sign for Graig Fawr to reach Bryniau.Alternatively,youcoulddeviatefromthenormalrouteandclimbto the white trig point on top of Craig Fawr (153m/502ft) forspectacular views of Snowdonia, Anglesey and the coast.5.LeaveNationalTrustlandthroughkissinggateandturnlefton roadatMountHouse.Followtheroadandlookforsomestonesteps andastileontheright-6-whichisontheOffa’sDykePath.ContinueonOffa’sDykePathcrossingstilesinfourfieldsbefore dropping down a steep bank onto road.7.Turnleftandfollowroad,lookingoutforcavesonright.Aftera shortdistancetakefirststileonrightandcrossthroughtwofields towardsA5151TrelawnydroadwithTyNewyddfarmonright(this section can be very muddy).8.Turnrightonroadandafterabout50yardstakestileonotherside ofroad.Continuetonextstileandturnrightontoanarrowroad heading down towards the river.9.Don’tfollowOffa’sDykepathwhenreachingthehairpinbendbut continue on the road, passing ruined Grove Mill on the left.Continuealongtheroadforabouthalfamileignoringallstilesuntil you reach the T-junction with Hiraddug Road; turn right.10.Afterashortdistancetakepathonleftatsideofwhitebungalow andfollowfencedpathtotheseconddrivewayandturnright.Just beforegatetoprivatehousecrossstileonrightandfollowpath throughgorsebushestoladderstileandanopenfield.Crossthree fields with ladder stiles until you reach metal gate on farm track.11.Turnrightandfollowtrackuntilyoureachstileonrightside beforereachingafarm.Crossthreefieldswithstilesanddescend steps onto the lane. 12.OppositeisastileleadingintoChurchWood,takecaredownhill onroughgroundfromthisstile(especiallywhenwet)thencrosstwo more stiles before entering a field.YouarenowapproachingthevillageofCwmandthestileislocated in the left hand corner of the field near church.13.TurnrightonroadpassingtheBlueLionpubonleft. Afterashort distancetakestileontherighttowardstwomorestilesleadingtoan openfield.Walkupmiddleofsteepbankedfieldlookingforgateand stileattopofhill. Taketimeouttoadmirethewonderfulviewsacross the Vale of Clwyd towards Snowdonia.Cross another field and climb over stile onto lane.14.Oppositeisametalkissinggatewithapathleadingalongthe lowerwesternslopesofMoelHiraddug.Followpaththrough woodlanduntilyoureachendofwoodwithpanoramicdisplaypanel and bench on right.15.LeavethewoodonatrackwhichjoinsLowerFoelRoadand continuestraighton.BranchrightuphillontoUpperFoelRoadand passthelimekilnjustbeforetheroadrejoinsLowerFoelRoad.Continue straight on to the A5151 Trelawnyd Road. 16. Turn left at main road and walk through village. Pass Dyserth Garage and road to Bryn-y-Felin on right. After the old school with metal railings look out for footpath sign, on right, before traffic lights - 17.Followthispathuntilyouseesomestonestepsontheleftwhichwill leadyoudowntothemainroadnearWaterfallShop.Turnrighton the road, and back to car park.Ifyoucameupthesestepsatthestartyoucouldcarryon pastthem,thenclimbsomesteps,emergingontoendofroadon Bryn-y-Felin.Turnleftafterhouseanddescendstepstocrossbridge overRiverFfyddion,continueuptowoodenstepsonleft.Climb thesestepsandarriveatviewpointwithbenchseatsoverlookingthe village.Followfencedpathdownthroughhugestonewallsandcross riverinfrontofthewaterfall,exitfallsthroughmetalgateandturn right for car park. Note this gate may be locked in the evenings.Leaflet designed & produced by Peter J Robinson,Dyserth Environmental GroupFor more information about Dyserth and for hundreds of old photographs visit www.dyserth.comDyserth Circular Walk was developed as part of a series of walks linking the village with the Clwydian Range AONB. Using a grant provided by the Environment Sustainable Fund and Objective 1 DUNE, Dyserth Environmental Group worked closely with Denbighshire Countryside Services to provide the necessary furniture and way-marking for these attractive and contrasting walks. Printing funded by Dyserth Community Council. v2 August 2014
A different map of the same walk - from the Dyserth Brochure
For PDF downloadsee foot of page
For the walk in PDF format click below.It is designed to be printed double sided on A4 and folded into three.(Opens in a new window)