9th June 2024 Photos Added:- Carnival 1960 x 3 Thomas Ave x 2 (also added to People Misc) Assorted Family x 2 March 2024 Photos Added:- Dyserth Hall x 2 Waterfall x 3 Pentre Cwm x 1 Church x 4 From Moel Hiraddug x 3 Waterfall & Gardens x 4 Longacre x 3 Penisa x 5 Quarry & Limeworks x 2 High Street x 2 Dyserth Castle & Siambr Wen x 5 Talargoch x 2 Glan Llyn x 2 Railway x 5 Carreg Heilin x 5 Foel Road x 3 Marian Mills x 1 Bryn y Felin x 2 Waterfall Hill x 1 School Photos x 1 28 th August 2023 Added:- People, School - 6 photos and updated info on Nr. 1541 People, Misc - 5 photos Lower Dyserth, Waterfall & Gardens - 1 photo Shops - 2 photos Transport - 1 photo 26 th August 2023 Lower Dyserth, Penisa, Gofer & Bodnant Forge - Updated photos 0014 & 0079 and their information 13 th August 2023 Added:- Carnival 1948 - 1 photo Carnival 1949 - 25 photos Festival of Britain 1953 - 2 photos Carnival 1960 - 2 photos Carnival undated - 1 photo People, Assorted Family Photos - 12 photos People, Bowling Club - 3 photos People, Misc - 18 photos People, School - 5 photos People, Youth Groups - 4 photos Lower Dyserth, Church - 1 photo Lower Dyserth, Waterfall & Mills - 1 photo Floods 2000 - 3 photos Upper Dyserth, Foel Road & Thomas Ave - 1 photo Upper Dyserth, High Street - 7 photos Upper Dyserth, Telephone Exchange - 5 photos Transport - 5 photos Waterfall & Mills - 1 photo 8 th August 2023 Added New Gallery - Carnival 1954-55, with 12 photos Added 2 photos to People, Misc Added 2 photos to People, Youth Groups Added 1 photo to Weavers Lane 3 rd July 2023 Added 3 photos to High Street section - also copied to Shops section Added 1 photo to James Park section Added 1 photo to School Photos section 25 th June 2023 Added 12 photos to Railway section Added 3 photos to Quarry & Limekilns section 10 th June 2023 Added 7 photos to Railway section 10 th May 2023 Added 27 photos to Railway section 15 th March 2022 Revamped the Old Photo GalleryAdded several photos to the Upper Dyserth - Cwm Road & Foel Park section 16 th November 2020 Added 6 photos to the People - School Photos section Added 1 photo to the People - Misc section Added 1 photo to the People - W.I. section Created a new People - Bowling Club section, moved 3 photos from Misc section and added 4 new photos Added 1 photo to the Upper Dyserth - High Street section 26 th September 2020 Added Dyserth 1951 Carnival Programme to ‘Various Documents’ September 2020 Added photos to and updated information on the Quarrying page 14 th June 2020 Added new photos to the Cwm, School Photos and Misc People sections 6 th May 2020 Added a comment to photo 1112 in the School Photos section. 5 th May 2020 Added names to photos 0632 & 0633 in the School Photos section. Also removed 0708 which is the same photo as 0633 Added details to photo 1356 in the Cwm Road & Foel Park section 18 th Mar 2020 Fixed the maps on the B17F and Halifax Crash Pages. If you’ve looked recently you might need to reload the pages. 16 th Mar 2020 Added voice recording about the 1972 explosion to the Quarrying section 28 th Feb 2020 Added newspaper articles to the Quarrying section, about the explosion in 1972 Old Photo Gallery Update 13 th July 2019 Updated information for photo 0045 (Ellis & Hughes Shop) in High Street & Shops sections Old Photo Gallery Update 31 st July 2018 Photos added to the following sections:- People: Football teams - 1, Misc - 4, Royal Wedding 1981 - 9, School Photos - 1 Upper Village: Hiraddug Road - 1 (Bron Berllan Isa), Village & Ochr y Foel - 7, Bryniau & Trecastell - 2, Cwm Road & Foel Park - 33, High Street - 2, Pandy Lane - 4, Quarry & Lime works - 1 Dyserth from a distance - 2 Floods 2000 - 10 Old Photo Gallery Update 21st Feb 2018 One photo added to Carnival 1951 Old Photo Gallery Update 20th Feb 2018 One photo added to Carnivals 1948 Two photos added to Carnivals 1952 Additional information added to Photo No. 1374 - Dyserth Quarry Workers. Old Photo Gallery Update 18th Feb 2018 Corrected a problem where a lot of captions were missing. Hopefully got them all 2 New photos added to Quarry and People Misc sections (same photo) 2 New photos added to Transport sections (incl one of the above) 2 New photos added to Cwm & Pentre Cwm sections 1 New photo added to People, Football Teams Plane Crashes Section 23 rd Nov 2017 More details added to Biplane Crash article Old Photo Gallery Update 16th August 2017 New photo added to People: Misc section Same photo added to Lower Dyserth: Waterfall Hill section New photo added to People: Assorted Family Photos section Old Photo Gallery Update 14th April 2017 New photo added to Pandy Lane section New photo added to Merseyside Camp section New Section Added 05th July 2016 Added a section about Belgian Refugees in Rhyl & Dyserth Old Photo Gallery Update 2nd July 2016 New photo added to the Pandy Lane section Old Phto Gallery Updates 1st May 2016 Pictures added to the following sections:- Lower Dyserth - ChurchLower Dyserth - New InnLower Dyserth - Waterfall HillLower Dyserth - Waterfall & Gardens (same photo as Transport section)Lower Dyserth - Weavers Lane Railway - Transport - Upper Dyserth - Quarry (same photo as Railway) Old Photo Gallery Updates 28th Jan 2016 Pictures added to the following sections:- Lower Dyserth - Village Views Lower Dyserth - Church Lower Dyserth - New Inn (same photos as Church) Lower Dyserth - From above Carnival 1949/50 People - Misc People - Youth Groups Link to War Memorial Research for WW1 26 th July 2015 Added a link from the St Bridget's Church - War Graves - section to research by Anne Parry into the names on the War Memorial Old Photo Galley Updates 16th July 2015 Photos added to People Misc, Thomas Ave, Waterfall Hill, Waterfall & Gardens, Transport, & Penisa sections. (Though some photos are duplicated in more than one category) Dyserth Times Community Magazine available online, 4 th June 2015 Richard, Editor of Dyserth Times has put the magazines online - I've put links to them on the Dyserth Times page. Old Photo Gallery Updates 31st Mar 2015 Pictures added to the following sections:- People, School - 5 photos People - Misc - 3 photos People - Asstd Family - 3 photos New Section added - Plane Crashes 30th March 2015 I've added a new section about three historic plane crashes in the area Update to Talargoch Section 12 th March 2015 Forgot to post earlier that a few weeks ago I'd added an article by Robert Jones about a Newcomen Engine at Talargoch. Thanks to Russell for your comments on photos I added in February, unfortunately I didn't pick them up until 11th March, but the information on the photos has been updated. If anyone does have any comments on the photos the best thing to do is to Email me. Comments and suggestions always welcome, thanks. Old Photo Gallery Updates 11th March 2015 Pictures added to the following sections:- Cwm & Pentre CwmLower Dyserth - Church & Old Vicarage Lower Dyserth - from above the fallsLower Dyserth - Glan Llyn CavesLower Dyserth - PenisaLower Dyserth - Village Views Lower Dyserth - Waterfall Lower Dyserth - Waterfall Hill Upper Dyserth - Foel Road & Thomas Ave Upper Dyserth - Village ViewsPeople - Misc Old Photo Gallery Updates 15th Jan 2015 Added 18 Photos to the People - Misc gallery Old Photo Gallery Updates 17th Dec 2014 1 Photo added to People - Football teams 6 Photos added to People - Family - Assorted Family Photos 7 Photos added to People - Misc 1 Photo added to People - Family - Jones Ffordd Figin (same photo also added to People - Misc) 4 photos added to Carnival Galleries - Carnival 1949 2 Photos added to Carnival Galleries - Carnival 1950 3 Photos added to Carnival Galleries - Carnival 1951 Old Photo Gallery Updates 7th Dec 2014 6 photos added to the Pandy Lane section of the Upper Dyserth Galleries. 1 Photo of Horeb added to the High Street section of the Upper Dyserth Galleries
Welcome to Dyserth
9th June 2024 Photos Added:- Carnival 1960 x 3 Thomas Ave x 2 (also added to People Misc) Assorted Family x 2 March 2024 Photos Added:- Dyserth Hall x 2 Waterfall x 3 Pentre Cwm x 1 Church x 4 From Moel Hiraddug x 3 Waterfall & Gardens x 4 Longacre x 3 Penisa x 5 Quarry & Limeworks x 2 High Street x 2 Dyserth Castle & Siambr Wen x 5 Talargoch x 2 Glan Llyn x 2 Railway x 5 Carreg Heilin x 5 Foel Road x 3 Marian Mills x 1 Bryn y Felin x 2 Waterfall Hill x 1 School Photos x 1 28 th August 2023 Added:- People, School - 6 photos and updated info on Nr. 1541 People, Misc - 5 photos Lower Dyserth, Waterfall & Gardens - 1 photo Shops - 2 photos Transport - 1 photo 26 th August 2023 Lower Dyserth, Penisa, Gofer & Bodnant Forge - Updated photos 0014 & 0079 and their information 13 th August 2023 Added:- Carnival 1948 - 1 photo Carnival 1949 - 25 photos Festival of Britain 1953 - 2 photos Carnival 1960 - 2 photos Carnival undated - 1 photo People, Assorted Family Photos - 12 photos People, Bowling Club - 3 photos People, Misc - 18 photos People, School - 5 photos People, Youth Groups - 4 photos Lower Dyserth, Church - 1 photo Lower Dyserth, Waterfall & Mills - 1 photo Floods 2000 - 3 photos Upper Dyserth, Foel Road & Thomas Ave - 1 photo Upper Dyserth, High Street - 7 photos Upper Dyserth, Telephone Exchange - 5 photos Transport - 5 photos Waterfall & Mills - 1 photo 8 th August 2023 Added New Gallery - Carnival 1954-55, with 12 photos Added 2 photos to People, Misc Added 2 photos to People, Youth Groups Added 1 photo to Weavers Lane 3 rd July 2023 Added 3 photos to High Street section - also copied to Shops section Added 1 photo to James Park section Added 1 photo to School Photos section 25 th June 2023 Added 12 photos to Railway section Added 3 photos to Quarry & Limekilns section 10 th June 2023 Added 7 photos to Railway section 10 th May 2023 Added 27 photos to Railway section 15 th March 2022 Revamped the Old Photo GalleryAdded several photos to the Upper Dyserth - Cwm Road & Foel Park section 16 th November 2020 Added 6 photos to the People - School Photos section Added 1 photo to the People - Misc section Added 1 photo to the People - W.I. section Created a new People - Bowling Club section, moved 3 photos from Misc section and added 4 new photos Added 1 photo to the Upper Dyserth - High Street section 26 th September 2020 Added Dyserth 1951 Carnival Programme to ‘Various Documents’ September 2020 Added photos to and updated information on the Quarrying page 14 th June 2020 Added new photos to the Cwm, School Photos and Misc People sections 6 th May 2020 Added a comment to photo 1112 in the School Photos section. 5 th May 2020 Added names to photos 0632 & 0633 in the School Photos section. Also removed 0708 which is the same photo as 0633 Added details to photo 1356 in the Cwm Road & Foel Park section 18 th Mar 2020 Fixed the maps on the B17F and Halifax Crash Pages. If you’ve looked recently you might need to reload the pages. 16 th Mar 2020 Added voice recording about the 1972 explosion to the Quarrying section 28 th Feb 2020 Added newspaper articles to the Quarrying section, about the explosion in 1972 Old Photo Gallery Update 13 th July 2019 Updated information for photo 0045 (Ellis & Hughes Shop) in High Street & Shops sections Old Photo Gallery Update 31 st July 2018 Photos added to the following sections:- People: Football teams - 1, Misc - 4, Royal Wedding 1981 - 9, School Photos - 1 Upper Village: Hiraddug Road - 1 (Bron Berllan Isa), Village & Ochr y Foel - 7, Bryniau & Trecastell - 2, Cwm Road & Foel Park - 33, High Street - 2, Pandy Lane - 4, Quarry & Lime works - 1 Dyserth from a distance - 2 Floods 2000 - 10 Old Photo Gallery Update 21st Feb 2018 One photo added to Carnival 1951 Old Photo Gallery Update 20th Feb 2018 One photo added to Carnivals 1948 Two photos added to Carnivals 1952 Additional information added to Photo No. 1374 - Dyserth Quarry Workers. Old Photo Gallery Update 18th Feb 2018 Corrected a problem where a lot of captions were missing. Hopefully got them all 2 New photos added to Quarry and People Misc sections (same photo) 2 New photos added to Transport sections (incl one of the above) 2 New photos added to Cwm & Pentre Cwm sections 1 New photo added to People, Football Teams Plane Crashes Section 23 rd Nov 2017 More details added to Biplane Crash article Old Photo Gallery Update 16th August 2017 New photo added to People: Misc section Same photo added to Lower Dyserth: Waterfall Hill section New photo added to People: Assorted Family Photos section Old Photo Gallery Update 14th April 2017 New photo added to Pandy Lane section New photo added to Merseyside Camp section New Section Added 05th July 2016 Added a section about Belgian Refugees in Rhyl & Dyserth Old Photo Gallery Update 2nd July 2016 New photo added to the Pandy Lane section Old Phto Gallery Updates 1st May 2016 Pictures added to the following sections:- Lower Dyserth - ChurchLower Dyserth - New InnLower Dyserth - Waterfall HillLower Dyserth - Waterfall & Gardens (same photo as Transport section)Lower Dyserth - Weavers Lane Railway - Transport - Upper Dyserth - Quarry (same photo as Railway) Old Photo Gallery Updates 28th Jan 2016 Pictures added to the following sections:- Lower Dyserth - Village Views Lower Dyserth - Church Lower Dyserth - New Inn (same photos as Church) Lower Dyserth - From above Carnival 1949/50 People - Misc People - Youth Groups Link to War Memorial Research for WW1 26 th July 2015 Added a link from the St Bridget's Church - War Graves - section to research by Anne Parry into the names on the War Memorial Old Photo Galley Updates 16th July 2015 Photos added to People Misc, Thomas Ave, Waterfall Hill, Waterfall & Gardens, Transport, & Penisa sections. (Though some photos are duplicated in more than one category) Dyserth Times Community Magazine available online, 4 th June 2015 Richard, Editor of Dyserth Times has put the magazines online - I've put links to them on the Dyserth Times page. Old Photo Gallery Updates 31st Mar 2015 Pictures added to the following sections:- People, School - 5 photos People - Misc - 3 photos People - Asstd Family - 3 photos New Section added - Plane Crashes 30th March 2015 I've added a new section about three historic plane crashes in the area Update to Talargoch Section 12 th March 2015 Forgot to post earlier that a few weeks ago I'd added an article by Robert Jones about a Newcomen Engine at Talargoch. Thanks to Russell for your comments on photos I added in February, unfortunately I didn't pick them up until 11th March, but the information on the photos has been updated. If anyone does have any comments on the photos the best thing to do is to Email me. Comments and suggestions always welcome, thanks. Old Photo Gallery Updates 11th March 2015 Pictures added to the following sections:- Cwm & Pentre CwmLower Dyserth - Church & Old Vicarage Lower Dyserth - from above the fallsLower Dyserth - Glan Llyn CavesLower Dyserth - PenisaLower Dyserth - Village Views Lower Dyserth - Waterfall Lower Dyserth - Waterfall Hill Upper Dyserth - Foel Road & Thomas Ave Upper Dyserth - Village ViewsPeople - Misc Old Photo Gallery Updates 15th Jan 2015 Added 18 Photos to the People - Misc gallery Old Photo Gallery Updates 17th Dec 2014 1 Photo added to People - Football teams 6 Photos added to People - Family - Assorted Family Photos 7 Photos added to People - Misc 1 Photo added to People - Family - Jones Ffordd Figin (same photo also added to People - Misc) 4 photos added to Carnival Galleries - Carnival 1949 2 Photos added to Carnival Galleries - Carnival 1950 3 Photos added to Carnival Galleries - Carnival 1951 Old Photo Gallery Updates 7th Dec 2014 6 photos added to the Pandy Lane section of the Upper Dyserth Galleries. 1 Photo of Horeb added to the High Street section of the Upper Dyserth Galleries